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We all know that advertisements ruin the user experience.
The basic version of Family Gem is completely free.
You can immediately start to play, with no username and password.
Exchange your family tree with any other genealogy program through a GEDCOM file.
Create a family tree from scratch entering names, dates, places, events and photos.
Share the tree you created with family members all over the world.
Family Gem is for Android only.
Windows, iOS and other operating systems are not supported.
Don't you know how to import a GEDCOM with images?
Do you want to add multiple spouses to one person?
Does your cousin have a nickname?
You are invited to translate Family Gem into every language.
Translation takes place on Weblate: with an account you can freerly work there, without an account you can anyway provide suggestions.
Contribute to translateChoose a meaningful subject and write in English:
If you want to support this app, the best way is to subscribe for Family Gem Premium.
Otherwise you can always buy me a coffee.
Family Gem is open-source. You can find the code on GitHub.
Michele Salvador is an Italian developer and genealogy enthusiast.